“So the sun stood still, and the moon stopped, till the nation avenged itself on its enemies, as it is written in the Book of Jashar. The sun stopped in the middle of the sky and delayed going down about a full day. 14 There has never been a day like it before or since, a day when the Lord listened to a human being. Surely the Lord was fighting for Israel!” Joshua 10:13-14
The day began with one team going to a maximum security prison. The team was told that the odds of their getting in was small, but to pray and see if God would give them favor. The team fiercely prayed sun stopping prayers, asking God to do the impossible. You see, the local contact who was working to get us into the prison had been trying to get access since December. He had gone more than 25 times asking for permission, and had been denied every time. It was a long shot for this team, but that didn’t stop them. They had already seen God stop rain, bring divine encounters, and open doors at other ministry sites that no man could make happen. So trusting God with access to the prison was natural. Awe Star teaches that we are to have a heartbeat of obedience. We are God’s willing witnesses, ready to move and go where ever that He directs us, to be moved toward a divine encounter. So this team knew no man could keep them out of the prison, and no man could give them access. It was God who was directing their steps! The team showed up and without missing a beat had access to the prison. God did it! He put the right person in the right place at the right time, so the team could collide with the encounter He had already arranged! How cool is that?!! Four inmates gave their lives to Jesus today! A few captions from today: “I couldn’t believe it! I got to lead four men to Jesus in the maximum security prison! It was awesome!”-Gavin Jackson “Today was amazing! I saw a lady on the bench and I felt like I was suppose to go talk to her. So I went and she prayed to receive Jesus! “-Taylor Bedore "I shared 'the net"'after the drama. It was the first time for me to share the gospel at the end of the drama. God gave me the words to say and it was really powerful!" -Megan Gilbert “Our first drama I kept seeing this guy across from us on a truck. I kept thinking 'this is the guy I’m suppose to talk to.' I went to him and God gave me the words to say and he came to know Christ! It was incredible!” -Kylar Thornton
1 Comment
10/15/2024 01:51:06 pm
First time here at your blog and wanted to say i enjoyed reading this.
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March 2020