![]() You’re super-busy. We understand. Because we are, too. But you always make time for what really matters to you. The homework you do, the movies and TV you watch, the activities you participate in, the friends and family you spend time with? Whether you realize it or not, those are your top priorities. So where does God—and the things of God—fit into this list? Where would you want Him to fit? If you need some clarity in your relationship with Him and how His life can make a difference in yours, we urge you to consider attending Awe Star’s annual missions conference, iGO, this Nov. 8-9, 2019, at Evergreen Baptist Church in Bixby, Oklahoma. Below are our Top 10 Reasons to Attend iGO 2019: 10. T-shirts: The annual iGO T-shirt is always a special part of the conference. Preorder online for just $20 or pick up one (limited supply available) at the conference. Make sure to check out our sales table with all sorts of Awe Star products, including books, hoodies and the ever-popular clearance section! 9. Lodging: From the Tulsa area? Get a good night’s sleep at home/at a friend’s home. From out of town? No problem. Bring your sleeping bag and pillow, and we’ll make room for you at the church for no extra charge! 8. Cost: Admit it: iGO is a bargain. Where else can you get fantastic food, great teaching, incredible worship, lodging (as needed) and more for the low (Early Bird) registration cost of $49? If you’re bringing a youth group, check out our group rates for an even greater discount! 7. Food: The servant-hearted people of Evergreen Baptist amaze us each year with their hospitality. No need to budget for off-campus meals when you can have food and fellowship right here! 6. Time With Missionaries: Don’t put those who “go and tell” on a pedestal. At iGO, you’ll have the chance to interact with them up close and personal. Ask the questions most on your heart. Find out their struggles as well as their joys. And see if mission service is something God has in store for you. 5. Breakout Sessions: So many choices, so little time. That’s one of the few complaints we hear about iGO, where we offer multiple breakouts with fantastic men and women of God. Their teaching is designed to meet you where you are, so come prepared to hear a word that goes deep. 4. Worship: Worship makes us stronger, and no one comes away fr/om iGO without having a huge dose of Spirit-powered strength. Worshipping the King with a fantastic praise band and like-hearted friends? You can’t get much closer to heaven. 3. Keynote Speakers: Every year, God brings us the best of the best. Our keynoters speak from their hearts and experiences to yours. No matter where you are in your walk with Christ, you’ll glean something from each one. Don’t miss out on what God has in store! 2. Challenges: This is where it gets real. Every year, Awe Star plans the conference, and then God carries out His plans. Don’t be surprised when He whispers (or shouts!) the same message to you from multiple speakers. Don’t wonder when you hear Him calling you to make a change in one or more areas of your life. And don’t be surprised when you find yourself never the same. 1. The Unseen: This year’s iGO theme is “Seeing the Unseen.” Scripture says that what’s unseen is eternal, and so many opportunities await you to embrace the unseen: at school, at work, in your home, in your community, around the world and within yourself. Yes, God has written eternity in your heart and in His plans for you. Come to iGo and join us in “Seeing the Unseen” everywhere we go. For More Information, check out this page, email us at [email protected] or call us at (918) 664-3500. To Register, go here. We hope to see you there!
![]() #TeamCanada spent the morning talking about all that God has done here in Canada so far and preparing to head home. God has moved here and worked in all of our lives. This afternoon, we met again with LEAF (a local ministry here in Canada) and did another community outreach where we played games, had conversations and shared the gospel with the people. God is moving here in Canada, and there are many people who are becoming more engaged with the gospel. The missionaries we are working with were able to set up several Bible studies due to God using this team to open doors! Be praying for the team as we head home. We have some driving and some flying, so please pray for safe travels. Also pray for us as we return home so we can share what God has done here and in our lives! Praising Him, #TeamCanada Leadership ![]() Today (Thursday), #TeamCanada went to a Hindu temple. As we walked through the temple, the students' hearts began to break at the brokenness and hopelessness we felt in that place. It reminded each of us that Jesus is the way, the truth and the life, and we began to pray for the people that the scales would fall from their eyes. After the temple visit, the team worked with the LEAF Canada students by passing out flyers for a kids camp event where we will perform the drama. After this, the team got to serve the LEAF students at their kids camp, where we played with kids, helped with games and just engaged with the people of the community. We were also able to perform the drama for the kids and parents. Please continue to pray for the people here in Canada. Many come from religions such as Hindu and Sikh that believe in doing good and that karma determines the path of your life. Blinded to the truth, they have believed in so many lies. Pray that the scales will fall from their eyes and that they will come to know that Jesus is the only way, and the only One who can save! We also request special prayer for Awe Star's president and founder, Dr. Walker Moore, who is undergoing surgery for prostate cancer back in Tulsa Friday morning. Gratefully, #TeamCanada Leadership ![]() #TeamCanada has had a busy and full last few days. On Tuesday morning, the team went to a Sikh temple and on Wednesday, a Jain temple. On Tuesday, the team engaged in ministry at a park, where a group of students talked to a woman who discovered her need for Jesus and found her worth and value in Him. On Wednesday, the students did the drama in parks, community centers and in a retirement home. In the retirement home, we met a man from Ireland named Thomas. Before the drama, Thomas began to joke and talk to members of the team. After the drama, he started to share stories, and the team used that opportunity to share the gospel with him. Thomas realized his need for Jesus, and asked Him to be the Lord and Savior of his life. Please continue to pray as the team continues with ministry! #TeamCanada Leadership ![]() Today #TeamCanada enjoyed a great time taking a boat tour of Niagara Falls and shopping. Please pray for the team as tomorrow we go to a Sikh temple to prayerwalk and learn about their religion. Pray for the team as we continue to engage in ministry here in Canada! For His glory, #TeamCanada Leadership ![]() This morning, #TeamCanada went to fellowship with or fellow brothers and sisters in a Chinese church. The team presented the drama, and then Peggy shared a message of salvation and also encouraged the local church, reminding them that God takes our broken pieces and makes us masterpieces and uses us for His glory. This afternoon, the team went to our missionary contacts’ home for lunch. After lunch, some of the team was outside singing worship music, and their next-door neighbor came out to listen to the music. Pretty soon, the whole team was out there worshiping, and more people came outside. Eileen, one of our missionary contacts, began talking to the people. She asked if they knew stories of Jesus. The ladies had never heard stories about Him. Eileen was then able to invite them to come to her house for weekly Bible studies to hear stories about Jesus! We love to watch God open people’s eyes to the truth of Jesus being the only way, only truth and only life (John 14:6). His breaking the bondage of sin freed us from our sins so we can have a relationship with God! Please continue to pray big prayers. Pray for God to move and for people to see the truth. Pray that people would have visions and dream of who God is and they would come to know Jesus as their Savior and Lord. Pray that we would have boldness in sharing. Praising Him, #TeamCanada Leadership ![]() #TeamCanada had the opportunity to go into a Buddhist temple to learn about what Buddhists believe. As the students listened and asked questions, they saw how much hope we have in Jesus Christ, and their hearts broke for the people who don’t have Him as their Lord and Savior. As the students left the temple, they were excited to go and share the gospel and the hope that comes from Jesus Christ. Next, we went to a park, where the team got to see how unique Toronto really is. After the drama as the team ministered, they ran into people who believed many different things and came from so many different backgrounds. God had brought them all to this place so they could hear about the hope that comes through Jesus Christ. Pray for the team as they to minister to all the people here. Pray that the Holy Spirit would open the eyes of the people who need to come to know Jesus. Join us in praying big prayers and expecting God to do great things! Faithfully in Christ, #TeamCanada Leadership ![]() #TeamCanada hit the ground running this morning as we did drama training and had teachings to help us effectively share the gospel here in Toronto. We practiced the drama in a park across the street from where we are staying. It was a great experience to be out in the community and to begin to start to see some of the culture here in Toronto. Many people walked by as we practicing. Some stayed and watched and we were able to engage with some in conversation. Please pray that we would be able to walk in the power of the Holy Spirit and people would see difference Christ has made in us! Tomorrow (Saturday) the team will begin going into communities and presenting the gospel. Pray for confidence, guidance and that people would come to know Christ as their Savior! Grateful for your prayers, #TeamCanada Leadership |
March 2020