![]() You can’t escape the chiseling of God in your life on the mission field. Weakness rises to the top. Some would see this as a bad thing, and some would keep this from stepping onto the mission field. But in reality, it’s beautiful. Our weakness, our sin is exposed under the light of God’s truth. And this is what makes going worth it. Painful? Yes. Frustrating? Yes. Challenging? Yes. But so worth it! We have been in the Refiner's fire this week as we have been on the front lines pushing back darkness. In one of our times together, the question was asked, “What weakness has risen to the top? Pride, selfishness, independence and speech were just a few of the weaknesses the team mentioned. Through all of this, the Refiner's fire, a testimony is being forged through the test. The glorious stories of lives being changed on the streets of Panama to the Kuna Islands will forever be etched in our heart and told to the next generation. In addition, the test presented to us this week will be told to many in the next week, months and years as a testimony to how good God is. Last night was a fitting close to our drama ministry here in Panama as we performed the drama to the owners who “just happened to be in town,” but we know it was a divine encounter. We also presented it to the staff, who have been so gracious to us. The Lord used our team incredibly, and Martha shared a bold net. We prayed over a young lady who is pregnant but does not know what direction to take in life,. She seems to be in a difficult place. Her boyfriend left her and wanted her to get an abortion, but she chose life. One of our students had an opportunity to pray for her and encourage her. Her test was a testimony for us as we heard all that she has been through yet clung to her hope in God. Would you pray for this young lady? After returning from the islands yesterday, our students went to a local hangout spot, and we had a few respond to the gospel: a Kuna lady and a sno-cone vendor. Be proud of these students; they have served Jesus well this week. Today, we will teach our students about how to prepare for home. How do they go back and make a difference and share about all of the great things God has done? Pray for us as we finish up our ministry in Panama today and head back home tomorrow! Grateful as always for your prayer support, —Team Panama Leadership
![]() Spending time on the international mission field opens the spiritual eyes of those who have been following Jesus. There is just something about getting out of your comfort zone, going to an unfamiliar place, and engaging with a culture different from ours. Francis Chan once commented, “I don’t go on the foreign mission field because I am so godly, but I go because I am not so godly, and I need God to rescue me from complacency, apathy and spiritual gluttony.” This too is our prayer for our students: that they would walk away from their time in Panama with eyes wide open to see that God can do the same things in their community as He has done in Panama. The beauty of what they have experienced also is that the church is alive and well in Panama and throughout the world, and God invites them to a grand adventure. Today, we experienced this adventure as we continued our ministry in the San Blas Islands. One of our ministry teams led 11 kids to Christ after performing the drama. Another one of our young ladies led her first person ever to Christ. As she shared this story while we were in our hammocks preparing for bed, the excitement in her voice was uncontainable. Thank you for continuing to pray for our team! Would you pray for us that we would finish strong on our last day here in the islands and that many would come to know Christ? —Team Panama Leadership |
March 2020