Mexico. It’s the country where our founder and president emeritus, Walker Moore, took his first group of student missionaries more than 35 years ago. It’s been the starting point for many whom God has since called to full-time missionary service. It’s a short trip, but a long journey. It’s a place of deep need and deeper opportunity. It’s a place of cultural Christianity that may or may not reach the heart level. It’s a place of warmth and friendliness where people will gladly stop and pay attention to a crazy group of North Americans willing to give their all in sharing the story of Jesus. Is it the place for you? Although it may seem as though Awe Star wants you on every mission trip we put together, that’s not the case. Our desire is that every missionary who travels with us have a heartbeat of obedience. You hear God’s voice, and you do what He says. When God called Moses, he was reluctant. He had all sort of excuses. But God answered each one with a way He could certainly fulfill His call because of His great power (see Ex. 3). This had almost nothing to do with Moses’ ability and everything to do with God’s. When God called Isaiah, the prophet was so overcome by the Lord’s holiness that he cried out, “I am a man of unclean lips” (Isa. 8:5b). But with his very next words, he responded to God’s call: “Here am I, Lord, send me” (Isa. 8:8b). More important than the cost of the trip, your previous plans for spring break, or even the status of your schoolwork is the answer to this question: What has God called you to do? You have until this Thursday, February 27, to get your application in here. If God has spoken to you about joining us for our Spring Break Mexico trip, you don’t want to miss this opportunity to join Him in His work. Meet Him in Mexico, and see the unseen: the great plans He has for you there.
We just finished Valentine’s Day (or, as some prefer to call it, “Singles Awareness Day”). Whether you celebrated with a significant other or with family, chances are good that you gave at least a card or gift to someone else and that they shared the same with you. Chances are also good that most people in our country did the same. The National Retail Federation (NRF) studies holidays like this to try to project earnings. For 2020, those who planned to celebrate Valentine’s Day said they expected to spend an average of $196.31, up a significant 21% from last year’s previous record of $161.96. But the NRF had an even more surprising statistic to share this year. According to its website, “Twenty-seven percent say they will buy Valentine’s gifts for their pets, the highest figure in the history of the survey and up from 17% in 2010 for a total $1.7 billion.” The average spending per pet was projected at $12.21. At Awe Star, we’re not anti-Valentine’s Day. We bought candy and other gifts for our families and friends, too. But there’s something wrong with a world where we can’t reach out to help people in need, but we can spend $1.7 billion on Valentines for our pets. Of course, we already know what’s wrong with the world. When your life doesn’t center on Christ, your priorities easily spin in wrong directions. You value the things of the world more than the things of God. Sending a $7 Valentine card or a $75 flower arrangement matters more to you than meeting the needs of the family who can’t afford school lunches or monthly rent. The real problem comes when we claim to follow Christ, but our priorities look more like the world’s. No wonder both Old and New Testaments place so much emphasis on following only the one true God. In the Old Testament, God’s people struggled with worshiping the idols of the surrounding nations. These were made of wood, stone or even precious metal (remember Aaron and the golden calf?). In the New Testament, the idols looked different. Jesus clearly showed the rich young ruler that his wealth was an idol (Matt. 19:16-30, Mark 10:17-31, Luke 18:18-30). Even the praise of men can become an idol (John 12:43). In other words, the New Testament takes the concept of idolatry from a physical object to anything other than God upon which we set our mind’s attention and heart’s affection, or worship. Whether you’re on the going or giving side of missions—or both—we encourage you to consider your priorities. Maybe you didn’t spend hundreds on Valentine’s Day or give your pet an expensive treat. But do you have extra time or resources that disappear each month just because they can? Are there causes or opportunities the Lord has laid on your heart that you’ve chosen to ignore? Are you, in effect, worshiping an idol because your affections are set on things other than Jesus and the people He died to save? You can show your love by giving Valentines, sure. But you can also show your love by declaring God’s message of love across the globe (see our trip offerings here). And you can help others share this love (make a one-time or continuing gift here). What does Jesus want? When you surrender your heart to Him, He directs your priorities. Do yours reflect Him? “So now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love” (1 Cor. 13:13). Student, youth pastor or leader, what if there were a conference where you could bring ALL the students connected to your youth group? The lost. The saved. The outsiders. The insiders. The sold-out. The fringe. The know-it-alls. The know-nothings. ALL. What if there were a conference that offered worship, teaching, workshops and prayer for all these along with parents and youth leaders, too? What if the cost was affordable? What if the time was designed so that you could be back in your own church for Sunday-morning service? What if all in attendance had the opportunity to learn from passionate followers of Christ with expertise in areas ranging from the basics of the faith to cross-cultural ministry to gender issues to evangelism to prayer to missions to apologetics and beyond? What if they had the opportunity to go hard in worship? What if they had the opportunity to hear from not big names, but passionate followers of Christ skilled at connecting with today’s students and youth leaders? What if there were a conference where a team was praying for everyone present and available for personal prayer as needed? What if there were a conference that offered FREE on-site lodging? What if there were a conference where everyone in attendance could experience the awe of God in tangible ways? This is AWE 2020: A conference bathed in prayer and anointed to reach this generation. AWE 2020 will take place at Evergreen Baptist Church, Bixby, Oklahoma, from 7 p.m. on Friday, Nov. 13, 2020 to 7 p.m. on Saturday, Nov. 14, 2020. We’re giving you advance notice so you can begin to pray for the conference and about whether God would have you take part. You can also take advantage of our early bird pricing. For more information, click here. We hope to see you there and to experience the awe of God—together. Imagine a place where you can bring students that is affordable, but not cheap; spiritually challenging, but not over their heads.
A place for the 'unsaved' friend, but deep enough for the kid who is ready to take the next step of obedience. This is AWE 2020. A conference bathed in prayer and anointed to reach this generation. No big names and no gimmicks, just but a big vision and a big God to back it. AWE 2020 is the launch of a student conference that is designed with the lost and saved in mind. From Gospel presentation to rekindling of passion to radical obedience- this conference will change your youth and, our prayer is, it will change you. When: Nov 13, 2020 - Friday 7pm - Nov 14, 2020 Saturday 7am-7pm Where: Evergreen Baptist Church Bixby, OK 24 hours of prayer will be lifted up by a special prayer team, as students are being challenged, equipped, and commissioned to tackle the darknesss by the power of the Holy Spirit. 24 hours of prayer will be available for Youth Pastors to come receive and experience rest for their souls and refreshment for their call. 24 hours of AWAKENING a generation to the gospel. 24 hours of teaching students to WITHSTAND the schemes of the Enemy and hold onto timeless Truths. 24 hours of experiencing a generation ERUPT into the God-size purposes written over their lives. NEED MORE Info: People who are wise with their finances will perform what we’ve come to call “due diligence” before they invest their money. They study the company, its P & L, past performance and future outlook. Christian investors would almost certainly add prayer to this formula, but it all falls under the same category: due diligence. For many years, Awe Star has operated as a faith-based ministry, never directly asking for funds although receiving from many. But this is a new season for us, and we believe God wants us to invite you into the glorious privilege that is Awe Star through your financial gifts. Let us help you with that “due diligence.” You’ve read on this site and elsewhere that we’re more than a mission-sending organization. We’re a discipleship ministry, and the natural consequence of real discipleship is (among other fruit) the passion and compulsion to reach the nations with the gospel. Many of you share this passion. Many of you have gone with us or have sent children/grandchildren to serve alongside us. Many of you wish you had gone. Some of you can no longer go, or cannot go right now. But all of you can pray. And all of you can give. When you join with us in these ways, you’re joining us in the partnership of the gospel. You’re participating in God’s work. You’re advancing the kingdom and (as Awe Star President Peggy Nunley loves to say) “pushing back the darkness" and making way for His glorious light. Our staff members don’t make big salaries. Some even raise their own support. We don’t have a hidden slush fund, lavish office or padded expense accounts. We operate as a 501(c)3, which means we carry an extra layer of financial accountability (and also means all gifts are tax-deductible). You can tithe to your local church (and we hope you do). You can support individual Awe Star missionaries (and we hope you do that, too). But we also want to ask you to pray about joining our “25 Challenge.” Each day when we meet as a staff, we’re asking God to move mountains, raise up workers in His harvest and provide the funds we need to do the impossible in fulfilling the Great Commission. As a part of that, we’re asking Him for true partners in the gospel who will join our 25 Challenge and commit to give at least $25/month to Awe Star. Joining this challenge might mean you give up a few lattes or bring your lunch from home a few times per month instead of eating out. It might mean you set aside that $25 right after you give your tithe, before the rest of your money finds other places to go. Joining this challenge might also mean we’re able to buy medical supplies for a clinic in a remote village that has no doctor or other regular medical care. It might mean we can replace or repair some essential sound equipment or make essential repairs to our vehicles. It might mean we can help provide Bibles to pastors in areas where we work or meet real needs in areas devastated by natural disasters. t might mean a soul hears the gospel and comes to Christ who would never otherwise have had the opportunity to receive the Good News. Awe Star has long taught that “Where God guides, He provides.” Is he guiding you to join our 25 Challenge? Consider. Pray. And check out this link for more information! |
March 2020