People who are wise with their finances will perform what we’ve come to call “due diligence” before they invest their money. They study the company, its P & L, past performance and future outlook. Christian investors would almost certainly add prayer to this formula, but it all falls under the same category: due diligence. For many years, Awe Star has operated as a faith-based ministry, never directly asking for funds although receiving from many. But this is a new season for us, and we believe God wants us to invite you into the glorious privilege that is Awe Star through your financial gifts. Let us help you with that “due diligence.” You’ve read on this site and elsewhere that we’re more than a mission-sending organization. We’re a discipleship ministry, and the natural consequence of real discipleship is (among other fruit) the passion and compulsion to reach the nations with the gospel. Many of you share this passion. Many of you have gone with us or have sent children/grandchildren to serve alongside us. Many of you wish you had gone. Some of you can no longer go, or cannot go right now. But all of you can pray. And all of you can give. When you join with us in these ways, you’re joining us in the partnership of the gospel. You’re participating in God’s work. You’re advancing the kingdom and (as Awe Star President Peggy Nunley loves to say) “pushing back the darkness" and making way for His glorious light. Our staff members don’t make big salaries. Some even raise their own support. We don’t have a hidden slush fund, lavish office or padded expense accounts. We operate as a 501(c)3, which means we carry an extra layer of financial accountability (and also means all gifts are tax-deductible). You can tithe to your local church (and we hope you do). You can support individual Awe Star missionaries (and we hope you do that, too). But we also want to ask you to pray about joining our “25 Challenge.” Each day when we meet as a staff, we’re asking God to move mountains, raise up workers in His harvest and provide the funds we need to do the impossible in fulfilling the Great Commission. As a part of that, we’re asking Him for true partners in the gospel who will join our 25 Challenge and commit to give at least $25/month to Awe Star. Joining this challenge might mean you give up a few lattes or bring your lunch from home a few times per month instead of eating out. It might mean you set aside that $25 right after you give your tithe, before the rest of your money finds other places to go. Joining this challenge might also mean we’re able to buy medical supplies for a clinic in a remote village that has no doctor or other regular medical care. It might mean we can replace or repair some essential sound equipment or make essential repairs to our vehicles. It might mean we can help provide Bibles to pastors in areas where we work or meet real needs in areas devastated by natural disasters. t might mean a soul hears the gospel and comes to Christ who would never otherwise have had the opportunity to receive the Good News. Awe Star has long taught that “Where God guides, He provides.” Is he guiding you to join our 25 Challenge? Consider. Pray. And check out this link for more information!
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March 2020