This week has been an amazing week. We have seen God move in mighty ways, but the biggest thing we have seen is how God has moved in the lives of the students! We have seen them step out of their comfort zones, step up into stronger leaders, and proclaim the Gospel with boldness! There is no doubt that God has touched their lives while in Guatemala.
As we wrap up the week it’s not an ending to ministry but a new chapter. The next chapter is when we return to our homes and continue to serve the Lord, but in an even deeper way. Please pray for us as we return home tomorrow. Pray for safe travels, but most of all pray that the students would continue to deepen their relationships with Christ. Pray that they would be bold as they go into a different mission field, the mission field of their schools, home, work, friends and family. Thank you for being a part of this trip through your prayers and support. Continue to pray for the people of Guatemala and especially the pastor and his family as they continue the work here. You were a huge part of the ministry that happened here. God is good all the time!
The students have full hearts after the last two days of ministry. They have worked so hard this week and God has used them in mighty ways as they have worshipped them this week.
Yesterday the students learned our disappointment is God’s divine appointment as we were supposed to go to a school but something happened to where we were no longer able to go there. So the leaders asked if we could go into another school right across the street. The principal gladly welcomed us! This school wasn’t funded by the government like most other schools, and was very poor. NorthRoad was able to donate some money to the school to help them get the some of the things they need. They had some very large needs like no running water as well as small needs that we easily take for granted like a can opener instead of using a rock and knife. The students also were able to do street ministry for the first time. This was one of their favorite dramas of the whole trip. People of all ages came from down the streets to see what was happening. Last night the students preformed for over 1,500 people in a church. Then Jared shared the Gospel with the people and asked them to come forward if they wanted to accept Christ or be prayed for and the students were there to minister to them and pray with them. The Lord moved in power in that place in both the huge crowd and our team. Before lunch today the students had already done three dramas for over 1,400 students. After lunch Walker did a teaching and then they did the drama in the marketplace. After the drama the team came back to where we are staying. We went down to the river and baptized a girl on our team who made the decision the follow Christ for herself this week! Praise Jesus! Please pray for the students as tomorrow is the last day of drama ministry. Pray that they would finish strong, for protection from the very hot sun, and that many people would come to know Christ! This morning the students woke up early and we went to help the Guatemalan and some of the American military as they build homes for those who were affected by the volcano. But before the students started doing that Walker gave a teaching about what it means to get your hands dirty for Jesus and to care for the least of these. The students then began to work very hard, some of them moved rocks, others planted pillars, and some laid floors, some worked on plumbing, and some made some houses accessible by building ramps, and we all raised walls together.
Building a house in many ways can parallel sharing the Gospel. Moving rocks is hard work and many people don’t always notice it, but it’s the first interaction is with people maybe it’s a smile, being a listening ear. Next you have putting in pillars, this is like planting the seeds as you share the Gospel, planting to the Truth into their lives. The foundation must be firm and solid like our faith and teaching others to have the same. Raising walls is like growing in our relationship with Christ and helping ours to do that too. Plumbing is like supporting, just like water helps us do things, we need to help support others to do things too. And just like ramps make the houses accessible, we need to make the gospel accessible to everyone. These students are working very hard doing just that this week! In the afternoon the students then went into another school and built houses again, but this time it wasn’t physically but in each and every one of the students in the school. This evening the students are enjoying spending some time with the children of the orphanage. Pray for the students as they continue to do ministry here in Guatemala! This morning the students woke up and had breakfast. After breakfast we got ready for ministry. We went to a school and performed the drama two different times. The students had an amazing time engaging with the kids. The students are getting so much better at their Spanish.
In the afternoon we went to a refugee camp where people who lost their homes in the volcano in May are staying until they get new homes built. The students spent a lot of time loving on the people there who have a lot of hurt. We then went to another school to present the drama and love on the children. The students find it amazing how the principals of the schools want us to come in the schools and share the gospel with their school students. In fact one principal today said “Please pray and share the gospel with my students!” North Road Community Church student ministry arrived safely in Guatemala late last night. After a short nights rest we loaded on the bus and headed to Escuintla. In Escuintla we saw glimpse of what Heaven will look like as we joined together and worshiped with a local church. The students were strengthened and greatly enjoyed worshiping with our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ through song and dance. The students then lead the church in a few songs and presented the drama.
After worship we came to the children’s home and enjoyed lunch and playing with the kids. The students discovered they aren’t as good at soccer as they thought. They also enjoyed learning new words and the kids were great teachers! In the evening we went to another church service, where the students enjoyed more worship and the students loved seeing the worship dancers that they had. The students then presented the drama for the church and many children in the children’s home. After a great dinner we are now preparing for bed. We had a great day and are looking forward to ministry tomorrow. Pray for the ministry that will happen and that God will draw many people to Him. Pray for continued health and rest as the students have a great week on ministry ahead of them. We will post pictures tomorrow, sorry for the delay. |