Our Partners in Africa have reached out asking for help. Many of those we partner with are suffering because nations have closed not only borders, but also markets and industry in some of the poorest nations of the world. Pastors have asked us to help them supply bags of rice for church members and others in their community that are literally without food because of the COVID-19 Crisis. Would you consider helping us serve families in Africa? For only $25.00 we can supply a large bag of rice that will last a family 3-4 weeks.
To donate simply click DONATE and earmark the donation #RiceBagsofHopeAFRICA
To donate simply click DONATE and earmark the donation #RiceBagsofHopeAFRICA
All proceeds will go to buy bags of rice in The Gambia, West Africa and be given to church members first, then to the surrounding Muslim community with a gospel presentation.